I don’t know about you, but I rush and run around without really looking and feeling my day… and, as Dr. Christine Northrup says, savoring life. Her new book, Goddesses Never Age, is brilliant pointing out that we need to savor life and pleasure ourselves. Glory be it not only feels good but has remarkable health benefits. It makes our cells happy.

Yes, we need to examine and sometimes even de-sensitize painful events from the past, but we can get stuck in over-focusing on the negative stuff and forgetting in enjoy ourselves. its a matter of balance which is an on-going issue for me. So, I made a list of all the things that give me joy and pleasure. I was surprised to see that most if not all of them are very simple, daily things….. enjoying my purple and orange pansies, listening to the wind in the trees, enjoying the birds, talking to a friend, singing with my choir. What I need to practice is focusing on those things, not rushing through my day without savoring. All those things that give me joy are
right in front of me. Its just a matter of shifting my focus. Thank you, Dr. Northrup.

Jill Raiguel, MFT, psychotherapist at Kohut Psychiatric Medical Group, and soul retrieval practitioner. Visit or

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